Don’t call Paul, call Saul
Like the Bible and the show,”Better call Saul “. Was not the apostle of the century and it had proven true in my experience as well ,
Paul is my father. Or the sperm that granted me life was given to him freely, and by conception of this capture in my mother egg sac, I bloomed.
Oh the relentless battle with this man, the persecution and torture I have put myself into after longing for his attention and love and self worth,
I have been killing myself trying to get him to love Me.
Literally, 2 suicide attempts, 3 seizures, multiple car accidents where they pulled me out and I don’t know how I got there and my last stint, was annilation of my body because my soul won’t die. I have tried .
And for some reason I am so purposelessly lead to believe that my father had my best interests at heart.
This guy has abandoned me since I was 5/6 years old .-
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