Omnes horas complectere
English: “Seize [or: embrace] every hour.” (Seneca goes on: Sic fiet ut minus ex crastino pendeas, si hodierno manum inieceris. → That way you will depend less on tomorrow,if you grasp today with your hand.) An alternative to the terribly overused Carpe diem.
This phrase comes from Seneca, a stoic philosopher from Ancient Rome. Seneca agrees with the Stoics that virtue is sufficient for happiness. One's virtue, unlike one's circumstances, is within one's power. Knowledge of one's nature is importantly connected, in Stoicism, with one's knowledge of nature generally. Seneca often appeals to the importance of understanding nature in his works.
omne Noun = all things (pl.), everything, a/the whole, entity…
Think about that, we have heard of the phrases, "Momento Mori" which is also lating for , "Remember we must die, are MORTAL'".
In 2021 I became obsessed with Death. I was determined to die and I could not seem to die. I have been driving drunk in hopes of killing myself. Thankfully the Great State of Texas took my license away with my last Driving While Intoxicated arrest January 13, 2021. I walked away on the overpass of 183/ and MoPac after colliding into the overramp stuck on the top with no side ramp. I knew I was going to prison because this was not my first Driving while INtoxicated arrest. It was my 4th DWI. I have 1 DWI in 2013, 2 DWI's in 2014, and the last which the State of Texas graced me with, DWI 2nd offense- So I have 3 2nd offense- DWI's on my record. The accident happened at 6:51 am, The day before I got my dog Ditka's ball's removed. I was so sad to take his manhood away, I dropped him off and went straight to the liquor store. I knew my alcoholism was going to end with me in jail or Dead. I just did not know how to stop. I tried everything. So I thought, and that's when my life changed.
Today is August 19, 2024. I am now 8 months sober. September marks 9 months of no alcohol. And I am taking my medications for mood regulation. I am now convinced that my mental disorder is separate from my alcoholism. I tried just not to drink alcohol and Alchololic's Anonymous. But The only thing I was resisting, was STEP 3: WE Are willing to give our will and lives to the care of GOD. AA is all about deciding to turn one's will and life over to the care of a higher power, as individuals understand it. This step requires individuals to surrender their control and trust that this higher power will guide them toward recovery.
The Third Step reads as follows: Step 3: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” The Third Step is a big step for a lot of people, but once complete, you are well on the road to recovery. At the commencement of the Third Step, you are to recite a prayer.
God, I offer myself to Thee –
The first part of the Third Step prayer is a declaration that you are giving God control. This declaration reminds us that we are no longer running the show. It says in the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous, page 84 “And we have ceased fighting anything or anyone – even alcohol,” We have to be reminded that we have offered our self to God, and he is now in the driver’s seat.
To build with me and to do with me as Thou Wilt.
The second line in the Third Step Prayer is the realization that our life is no longer our business. We are allowing God to build our life in his vision, and we are merely spectators. We are allowing God to do his will in our lives, and we are acknowledging that he knows best.
Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will
When we get into the next line of the prayer, we are acknowledging that we have been in bondage to ourselves. Our life has been plagued with self will run riot. We often made decisions only thinking about our self and not thinking of others. We are now going to stop this way of thinking and release the bondage of self that has run our lives. The definition of bondage is the state of being bound by or subjected to some external power or control. We will not release that power and control to God. We are beginning to transition from our will to God’s will.
Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life.
The final line in the prayer is of the utmost importance. We now know that only God can relieve our difficulties, and we are giving Him the power to do so. We know that as God removes our difficulties, we will see that he is in charge. In recovery, any struggle that we go through and overcome will be one more way that we can help others. These tribulations in our life will no longer be in vain. We will use then to reach the next struggling addict. We will do everything with a guiding force of God’s Love and God’s Power in God’s will.
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